Happy Hour w. DNC Chairwoman Brazile

DNC Interim Chairwoman Donna Brazile was in New Hampshire this week and the Young Dems got to host her for some drinks and discussion at Gale Motor Co. Eatery in Manchester, NH. We heard from Sheila Vargas, of New Futures, introduce the Chairwoman. Highlighting some pivotal roles Donna Brazile has played throughout her lifetime. Brazile has worked for several campaigns, including Al Gore's presidential race in 2000, worked as a political strategist, worked for several advocacy groups in Washington, D.C., and was instrumental in the successful campaign to make Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday a federal holiday. She is currently a professor of Women and Gender studies at Georgetown University.

Chairwoman Brazile was more than emphatic about the obligation each person has, young or old(er) this election to get out. Get motivated. And create change by inspiring others to elect a leader who does not spread the viral rhetoric of racism, sexism, and bigotry. Someone who has a long standing history in public service and looking out for families. Someone like Hillary Clinton.


PS. In case you were wondering-- Donna enjoys a good red wine!
