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NHYD Statement on President Trump Calling Our State A "Drug-Infested Den"

Concord, NH-- The New Hampshire Young Democrats denounce the chilling comments President Trump made about the plight of our state released in transcripts of a January conversation with Mexican President Nieto. New Hampshire has undoubtedly been disproportionately impacted by the current national drug crisis, but language that perpetuates the stigma of substance use is not and will never be a solution to this complex problem. "The NHYDs believe that substance use disorder is a disease, and supports a variety of research-based solutions to help all who have been impacted, including full funding of the New Hampshire Alcohol Fund, statewide drug court programs, and the re-authorization of Medicaid Expansion." "New Hampshire's young people between the ages of 20 and 40 made up over half of the 479 drug overdose deaths in the state in 2016. Any attempts to gain political capital off of the premature loss of our friends, neighbors, colleagues, and family members should be deeply problematic to individuals across the political spectrum." "The language the President used to describe New Hampshire's current public health crisis in January in his conversations with President Nieto is not simply horrific, it is a heartbreaking reminder of the ways in which partisan politics and quick 'wins' continue to be put ahead of human dignity within the Trump administration."

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance use, please reach out for help at the NH Statewide Addiction Crisis Line: 1-844-711-HELP.


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